Our Mission

Some native plants still grow in their traditional lands, but as their homes are taken more and more for buildings and pavement, it is important for us to learn to grow these plants where we live, in our schools, playgrounds, offices, and homes.

My son and I have a native garden on our apartment patio. Hummingbirds visit and birds make nests, all the way up on the third floor. We grow the plants that flourished here, supporting the insects, birds, and animals, for thousands of years - since long before cities were built.

Maybe you would enjoy learning about the Indigenous people where you live, and their relationships with their traditional plants. And how to keep those relationships alive in your own life. I’ve listed a few resources to get started.

What We Can Do!

More and more nurseries appreciate how vital native plants are to our landscapes and gardens. If you have a balcony or patch of land, you may have space for a native plant in a pot, or even in the ground! See if you can locate a native plant nursery in your nursery and explore …